911 / Communications
The Scotts Bluff County Consolidated Communications Center handles communications for emergency and non-emergency calls for all law enforcement, medical and fire services for Scotts Bluff County, northern Banner County, and the southern half of Sioux County. The only agency for which the Center does not directly dispatch is the Nebraska State Patrol, which has its own communications division.
In addition to the daily communications responsibilities, this 911 Center is also designated as a weather warning point for Scotts Bluff, Banner and Morrill counties. During severe weather, any time of the year, the Center is responsible for the broadcasting and distribution of severe weather information to the residents these counties.
The Scotts Bluff County Communications E 9-1-1 Center is in Gering, the county seat of Scotts Bluff County. The Center was started in 1987 by combining the dispatch services of the Sheriff’s Office and Gering Police Department. In 1990, the Scottsbluff Police Department joined the Center making it a true consolidated center. As of 2012, the Center employs 12 full-time and 3 part-time personnel.
After normal working hours, the Center answers all non-emergency calls which include calls regarding utility problems with water and electricity. During power outages, please be patient. Crews respond in a timely manner and work as quickly and safely as possible to restore services.
The Center handles around 49,000 calls for service a year. Of those calls for service, about 13,000 calls are 9-1-1 calls. In the past year, the percentage of calls coming from wireless or cellular phones has risen from 36% to 41% of all 9-1-1 calls.
Mail Address
Administration Building
1825 10th Street
Gering, NE 69341
Office Hours
24 / 7 – NOT Open to the Public