Treasurer – Frequently Asked Questions
Real Estate & Personal Property Tax FAQ’s
Delinquency Dates
Nebraska law states that Personal Property and Real Estate taxes become Delinquent on May 1st and September 1st each year and start accruing interest on the Delinquency Date. NE Statute 77-204
The Nebraska State Auditor’s Office has notified all counties that interest must be charged on May 1st and September 1st
The only exemptions are if April 30th or August 31st falls on a weekend or a holiday. If this occurs, you will have the first business day after that date to pay your taxes without interest.
If mailed payments are received after the due date, we will verify the Postmark Date.
Return Receipt Information
Due to Nebraska law we are no longer required to mail paid tax receipts. If you would like a receipt mailed to you, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope, when paying by mail.
Interest Rate
The Current Delinquent Interest Rate is 14% per annum.
The Interest Rate is set by the Nebraska Legislature NE Statute 77-207