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Community Clean-up Day – Scottsbluff and Gering

April 26

Randy Meininger and Tony Kaufman, former Mayors of Scottsbluff and Gering, are joining forces to help improve the Twin Cities.

During last week’s Scottsbluff City Council meeting, Meininger informed the current council that they have been preparing for a community cleanup day for Scottsbluff and Gering.

In addition to opening the landfill for literal cleanup of properties, the goal would be a training for citizens and organizations to prepare for natural disasters.

“It’s not a matter of if it happens, it’s when,” apprised Meininger. “So that’s one of our other things that we want to work towards. The other thing is is we want to look at what organizations and what can we bring to the table from the different churches… what we can do to come together as a community to be part of this community?”

He says they will also be working with new Region 22 Emergency Management Director Rob Crowder and the Blue Cell Group

“And we want to mentor and train people to be inside commanders, public Information officers, Operations liaison, and in safety and planning,” added Meininger.

He said there’s already a group of individuals meeting on a regular basis to bring in the planning sector and work through the logistics.

The Community Cleanup day is scheduled for Saturday, April 26th and there will be more information released about this event in the coming months.

Community Cleanup Day Announced for Scottsbluff and Gering – KOZY

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April 26
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