Election Information
General Election
Register to Vote!
You can register by mail using this link Voter Forms. You’ll simply download a Voter Registration form, fill it out, and return it to this office via mail.
You can register electronically via your computer or personal device using this link Register to Vote ONLINE. Note: you’ll need your Nebr. DL # in front of you for this.
You can register via DMV when obtaining/updating your Nebr. Driver’s License.
You can vote early by using this link Absentee Voter. You’ll simply download the Application, fill it out, and return it to this office via mail or email.
You can request a ballot to be mailed “Not more than 120 days before an election”, and up until “the 2nd Friday before an election”.
You can vote at your polling place on Election Day; polls are open 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.
2024 General Election Day: November 5, 2024
Check your Polling Place – VOTER VIEW | Precinct and Polling Location
Nebraska’s voter ID law
Registered voters must present a valid photo ID for their vote to count.
Nebraskans can use any of the IDs listed below for voting:
- Nebraska driver’s license or state ID
- Nebraska college or university ID (public or private)
- Nebraska political subdivision ID (state/county/city/public school ID)
- Passport
- Military ID
- Tribal ID
- Hospital, assisted living facility, nursing home or any other skilled care facility record
People can get a free state ID for voting purposes from the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
If the person was born in Nebraska and needs a free certified copy of their Nebraska birth certificate to get a free state ID, they can contact the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). A birth certificate is not a valid form of voter ID.
Find voter ID educational material on the Secretary of State’s website.