Scotts Bluff County - Election

Voter Information Guide

Does everyone have to be registered to vote ?
In Nebraska, registration is required to be eligible to vote, the only exception is during Presidential elections. If you have recently moved to Nebraska or moved to another state after the registration deadline, then you may only vote a Presidential ballot. See Voter Registration.

How do I apply for a ballot in another county in Nebraska ?
If you are temporarily living in Scotts Bluff County you may register and vote in your "home town". Call or write your county clerk or election commissioner to request a ballot.

Where do I vote ?
Each voter must cast his/her ballot at his/her assigned polling place. If you are in doubt as to the location of your polling place you may contact the Election Office. Whenever you register or re-register to vote, the Election Commissioner will mail you a polling place information card.

Do I need a voting card to vote ?
No, the card is for information only and does not need to be presented to election officials in order to vote.

Am I able to vote if I did not re-register ?
Yes, if you have a current voter registration on file in Scotts Bluff County, you may go to your new polling place on election day and vote a provisional ballot. You will be asked to complete a registration form and your ballot will be sealed in an envelope.

What is the voting procedure ?
The first step in casting a ballot involves stating your name/address and presenting an acceptable photo ID to the clerk serving as an election official. For a Primary Election, the voter must also state his or her political affiliation. The election worker will then verify that you are eligible to vote, and you will be asked to sign your name in a voter book before receiving your ballot.

Instructions for marking ballots ?
You will be voting a paper ballot. You must blacken ovals with the special pencil provided. Do not erase any marks on a ballot or use a pen. If you make a mistake in voting, ask the judge who issued you the ballot for another one. The reason for this procedure is that the ballots are electronically scanned and counted, and a pencil mark, even if it is erased, might be detected.

Why should an election official place my ballot in the ballot box rather than doing it myself ?
Nebraska state law reguires this procedure to help ensure that only the properly issued ballots are deposited in the ballot box (32-916).

Can voters receive assistance in voting ?
Voters who cannot read, are blind or have a physical disability may request assistance in marking thier ballots. The voter may have a friend or relative assist them or he/she may request the assistance of two election board workers, one each of a different party. In addition, an Automark voting machine will be available at each polling location. A visually or physically disabled voter will be able to use this machine and will be able to mark his/her ballot in private and unassisted.

Are the polling places accessible ?
Yes. All polling places are handicap accessible. You can ask for your ballot to be brought to your vehicle if it is difficult for you to get into the polling place.

Can I wear a campaign t-shirt, political badges or insignia to my polling place on election day ?
No. Wearing any campaign item is considered electioneering, and you will be asked to remove or cover up the item if you wear it into a polling place on election day. No electioneering and handing out political literature can take place within 200 feet of a polling place building on election day during the hours of voting.

Can Nonpartisan (Independent) voters vote during a primary ?
Yes. Nonpartisan (Independent) voters can vote during a primary election. He or she will vote the Nonpartisan ballot which contains amendments and other special issues, State Legislature candidates, MUD candidates, OPPD candidates, NRD candidates, Metropolitan Community College Board of Governor candidates, University of Nebraska Board of Regents candidates, and School Board candidates. He or she may also request to vote the Federal ballot for the House and Senate from one political party. He or she cannot vote in the primary election for President, Governor, or other partisan State and County offices.

Updated: 2012.01.23 - 15:00 MDT