Scotts Bluff County - Election

Voter Registration

In Nebraska, registration is required to be eligible to vote, the only exception is during Presidential elections. If you have recently moved to Nebraska or moved to another state after the registration deadline, then you may only vote a Presidential ballot.

Anyone that meets the following Criteria may Register to Vote.

  • A United States Citizen.
  • A Scotts Bluff County Nebraska Resident.
  • Will be 18 years of age or older by the General Election Day (first Tuesday in November).
  • Has not been convicted of a felony or if convicted, civil rights have been restored.
  • Have not been found to be mentally incompetent.

How May I Register to Vote ?
You may register at the Election Commission during normal business hours. You may also download the form, complete it and send it back by mail. Open / Download Voter Registration Form from the link below. Complete the form on your computer and print it or print the form and fill by hand. Sign the form and mail to Election Commissioner at the address above.

Registration Deadline ?
Mail-in registration must be postmarked on or before the third Friday before an election. You may register in person at the Election Commission by the second Friday prior to an election.

Resident Time Period before Registration ?
You may register the same day you become a resident of Scotts Bluff County.

Residence Determination ?
Residence shall mean (1) that place in which a person is actually domiciled, which is the residence of an individual or family, with which a person has a settled connection for the determination of his or her civil status or other legal purposes because it is actually or legally his or her permanent and principal home, and to which, whenever he or she is absent, has the intention of returning, (2) the place where a person has his or her family domiciled even if he or she does business in another place, and (3) if a person is homeless, the county in which the person is living. No person serving in the armed forces of the United States shall be deemed to have a residence in Nebraska because of being stationed in Nebraska. Those serving in the military or attending college in another area other than Scotts Bluff County do not need to change their registration. However, any permanent change in your residence or address will require you to re-register to vote in that location.

May a Student Register and Vote from a School Address ?
Yes, you may decide to register and vote from either your school or home address. If you want to vote from your home address, write your county election commissioner or clerk and ask them to mail a voter registration form and an absentee ballot.

Must I Designate a Party Affiliation ?
Yes. Nebraska has a "closed primary" which means that you are only allowed to vote the ballot for the party you designated on your voter registration. You will receive the party ballot along with the non-partisan ballot. You may indicate that you wish to be Non Partisan, but in that event, you would only receive the non-political ballot and (if you request) a congressional and senatorial partisan ballot. You may change your party affiliation anytime before the registration deadline.

Do I Ever Need to Re-Register ?
You must re-register whenever you change your name, address or political party.

Will I Receive Notice Regarding My Mail-In Registration ?
Yes. If you do not receive notification within 10 days that your registration has been accepted, call the Election Office. You are not a registered voter until you receive confirmation.

Additional Links

Updated: 2012.01.23 - 15:00 MDT