Scotts Bluff County - Contracts

Current Contracts in Effect

Ambulance Services - Valley Ambulance Services, Inc.

Audit - Dana Cole & Associates.

Detention Center - Regional West Physicians Group.

Detention Center Food Service - CBM.

Detention Center Inmate Medical Services - Advanced Correctional Health Care.

Detention Center Inmate Phone System - IC Solutions.

Frontside Grill & Bar - Lucky One LLC

Health Insurance Plan - RCI, Scottsbluff.

Indirect Cost Allocation Plan - Maximus.

Juvenile Detention - H & HS.

Keno Lottery Operation Agreement - Lucky One LLC - a 5 year agreement, renewable for 5 additional years, with reference to changing the location of the main parlor at the County's discretion and a 6 month notice to end the agreement at the end of the 5 year agreement.

Keno Remote Location Operation Agreement - City of Mitchell.

Keno Remote Location Operation Agreement - City of Morrill.

Lease Agreement - Gering-Fort Laramie Irrigation District.

Long Distance Provider - Allo Communications.

Predator Control - USDA Predator Control.

Valuing Oil and Gas Production in the County - Pritchard & Abbott - Assessor.

Vision Insurance Plan - National Insurance Services.

Updated: 2012.12.27 - 12:00 MDT