Scotts Bluff County - RFPs / Bids / Contracts

RFPs - Bids - Contracts Awarded 2016

GIS Department - Asphalt - January 13, 2016

With appropriate advertising by Suzie Wick, GIS Administrator, and consensus procedural approval for advance bid opening by the Scotts Bluff County Board of Commissioners, a meeting was held on January 13, 2016, 4:15 P.M., in the office of the Scotts Bluff County Clerk. Present: Suzie Wick, Vera Dulaney. Requests for Quotation for provider of GIS parcel update were received and opened from: GIS Workshop, Lincoln, NE; Midland GIS Solutions, Maryville, MO; The Schneider Corporation, Indianapolis, IN; Sidwell, St. Charles, IL; M.C. Schaff, Scottsbluff, NE.

The bid will be tabulated and awarding considered at the regular Scotts Bluff County Commissioners business meeting on January 19, 2016, 4:30 P.M.

The Bids were tabulated and presented at the County Commissioner meeting on January 19, 2016. January 19, 2016 - Discussion was held concerning awarding the RFQ for the provider of the GIS Parcel update. Suzie Wick, GIS Administrator, Scott Bosse, County Surveyor and Board members commented. Moved by Meyer, seconded by Blaha, to award the GIS Parcel update contract to The Schneider Corp., Indianapolis, Indiana, for $86,030.00, as recommended by the GIS Committee. YEA: Reichert, Blaha, Masterton, Stratton, Meyer. NAY: None.

East Overland Project - March 4, 2016

With appropriate advertising by Robert Bennett, Public Works Director and consensus procedural approval for advance bid opening by the Scotts Bluff County Board of Commissioners, a meeting was held on March 4, 2016, 10:00 A.M., in the office of the Scotts Bluff County Clerk. Present: Robert Bennett, Don Dye, Vera Dulaney, County Clerk.

Bids for the East Overland project were received as follows: Paul Reed, Gering, $116,018.18; Infinity Construction, Scottsbluff, $142,820.00.

The bid will be tabulated and awarding considered at the regular Scotts Bluff County Commissioners business meeting on March 7, 2016, 4:30 P.M.

The Bids were tabulated and presented at the County Commissioner meeting on March 7, 2016. March 7, 2016 - Moved by Stratton, seconded by Reichert, to award the East Overland Project to Paul Reed, Gering, for $116,018.18, as recommended by Public Works Director Robert Bennett. YEA: Meyer, Blaha, Masterton, Stratton, Reichert. NAY: None.

Gravel - March 4, 2016

With appropriate advertising by Robert Bennett, Public Works Director, and consensus procedural approval for advance bid opening by the Scotts Bluff County Board of Commissioners, a meeting was held on March 4, 2016, 10:00 A.M., in the office of the Scotts Bluff County Clerk. Present: Robert Bennett, Ken Howard, Don Dye, Vera Dulaney, County Clerk.

Gravel bids were received as follows: Western Materials, Mitchell, 3/8 2 ½" 11.95 a ton and 10.95 per ton for pre-crushed; Simon Construction, Scottsbluff, 13.75 and 10.25 for pre-crushed.

The bid will be tabulated and awarding considered at the regular Scotts Bluff County Commissioners business meeting on March 7, 2016, 4:30 P.M.

The Bids were tabulated and presented at the County Commissioner meeting on March 7, 2016. March 7, 2016 - Moved by Meyer, seconded by Reichert, to accept the gravel bids from Western Engineering, Mitchell and Simon Construction, Scottsbluff, as recommended by Bennett. YEA: Reichert, Meyer, Blaha, Masterton, Stratton. NAY: None.

Concrete - April 28, 2016

With appropriate advertising by Carol Prince, Director of Operations, and consensus procedural approval for advance bid opening by the Scotts Bluff County Board of Commissioners, a meeting was held on April 28, 2016, 10:00 A.M., in the office of the Scotts Bluff County Clerk. Present: Carol Prince, Michael Yarnell, Vera Dulaney.

A concrete bid was received from Eric Reichert Insulation & Construction, Inc. for a total of $53,035.10 for three bid areas.

The bid will be tabulated and awarding considered at the regular Scotts Bluff County Commissioners business meeting on May 2, 2016, 4:30 P.M.

The Bids were tabulated and presented at the County Commissioner meeting on May 2, 2016. May 2, 2016 - Moved by Meyer, seconded by Stratton, to award the concrete bid to Eric Reichert for $53,035.10 as recommended by Director of Operations Carol Prince. YEA: Meyer, Stratton, Blaha, Masterton. NAY: None. Abstain: Reichert.

Seal Chip Coating - July 6, 2016

With appropriate advertising by Robert Bennett, Public Works Director, and consensus procedural approval for advance bid opening by the Scotts Bluff County Board of Commissioners, a meeting was held on July 6, 2016, 10:00 A.M., in the office of the Scotts Bluff County Clerk. Present: Jerry Crable, Management Accountant; Adam Vath, M. C. Schaff Co.; Vera Dulaney, County Clerk.

A bid for seal chip coating was received from TopKote, Inc., Yankton, SD for $268,930.00 with an August 29, 2016 start date.

The bid will be tabulated and awarding considered at the regular Scotts Bluff County Commissioner business meeting on July 18, 2016, 4:30 P.M.

The Bids were tabulated and presented at the County Commissioner meeting on July 18, 2016. July 18, 2016 - Moved by Meyer, seconded by Stratton, to award the seal chip coating bid to TopKote Inc., Yankton, SD for $268,930.00, with a start date of August 29, 2016, as recommended by Public Works Director Robert Bennett. YEA: Reichert, Meyer, Masterton, Blaha, Stratton. NAY: None.

Computer Aided Dispatch & Records Management System (CAD/RMS) Project - August 15, 2016

With appropriate advertising, Chance Florke, IT Director and Kevin Spencer, Scottsbluff Chief of Police, opened proposals for the Computer Aided Dispatch & Records Management System (CAD/RMS) Project.

Bids received from Enterpol/Huber & Associates Inc., Jefferson City, MO; Zuercher, Sioux Falls, SD; Spillman Technologies, West Valley City, UT; Mark43, New York, NY; ProPhoenix Corporation, Brookfield, WI; Caliber Public Safety, Winston Salem, NC; Sungard Public Sector, Lake Mary, FL; and Justice Data Solutions Inc., Reno, NV.

Moved by Blaha, seconded by Reichert, to direct Florke and the Advisory Committee to tabulate the proposals and give an update on September 6, 2016. YEA: Stratton, Reichert, Blaha, Masterton. NAY: None. Absent: Meyer.

September 6, 2016 - Information Systems Director Chance Florke read into record the following Computer Aided Dispatch & Records Management System Project proposals: Enterpol/Huber & Associates Inc., Jefferson City, MO - $147,000.00; Justice Data Solutions Inc., Reno, NV - $297,500.00; Zuercher, Sioux Falls, SD - $409,054.00; Caliber Public Safety, Winston Salem, NC - $573,945.00; Sungard Public Sector, Lake Mary, FL - $1,287,494.00; Mark43, New York, NY - $262,223.00; Spillman Technologies, West Valley City, UT - $606,166.00; and ProPhoenix Corporation, Brookfield, WI - $361,379.00. Florke gave an update on the progress of the project.

Updated: 2016.09.21 - 9:00 MDT