Scotts Bluff County - RFPs / Bids / Contracts

RFPs - Bids - Contracts Awarded 2011

Roads Dept - Box Culvert on County Road 27 - February 7, 2011

Box culvert bids on County Road 27 were received and opened by Robert Bennett, Public Works Director on February 7, 2011. Bids were received from: Simon Construction, Gering - $122,123.98; Infinity Construction, Scottsbluff - $83,100.00 and Paul Reed Construction, Gering - $115,410.23. The Bids were tabulated and presented at the County Commissioner meeting on February 22, 2011. The Bid was awarded to Infinity Construction, Scottsbluff, for $83,100.00 as recommended by Robert Bennett, Public Works Director.

Detention Center - Inmate Medical Services - April 4, 2011

Detention Center Director Ron Johns opened RFP's for Inmate Medical Services from Correctional Health Care Company, Greenwood Village, Colorado - Option 1- $28,072.39 mo - Option #2 - $26,212.52 mo and Advanced Correctional Health Care, Peoria, Illinois - $48,900.68 yr. The Bids were tabulated and presented at the County Commissioner meeting on April 18, 2011. The Bid was awarded to Advanced Correctional Health Care, Peoria, Illinois, as recommended by the Jail committee.

Roads Dept - Gravel - April 12, 2011

Robert Bennett, Public Works Director, opened and presented gravel bids for the Scotts Bluff County Public Works Department. All bids were received in a timely manner by 8:30 A.M., April 12, 2011. (1) Kembel Sand & Gravel: $147,000 or $49,000 each for Districts I, II & III; (2) Western Engineering Company, Inc.: $61,425 for District II; (3) Simon Contractors: $147,000 ($49,000 per District), one location - District II. Director Bennett will tabulate the gravel bids for possible awarding at the regular business meeting of the Scotts Bluff County Board of Commissioners to be held on April 18, 2011. The Bid was awarded to for Districts 1 & 3 to Kembel Sand & Gravel, Scottsbluff and District 2 to Simon Contractors, Scottsbluff, as recommended by Robert Bennett, Public Works Director.

Operations Dept - Cell Removal - June 2, 2011

Director of Operations Carol Prince opened and presented bids for cell removal at the "old jail complex" in Gering. (1) RTS Shearing, Yankstown, ND: Option One - first floor, $60,000.00; Option Two - second floor, $100,000.00; Option Three - both floors, $145,000.00. (2) Russell's Excavation, Morrill, NE: Option One - $30,644.00; Option Two - $96,852.00; Option Three - $127,496.00. (3) Gem Construction, Gering, NE: Option One - $24,400.00; Option Two - $79,925.00; Option Three - $89,970.00. (4) Paul Reed Construction, Gering, NE: Option One - $183,177.00; Option Two - $261,962.00; Option Three - $445,141.00. Director of Operations Carol Prince will tabulate the cell removal bids for possible awarding at the regular business meeting of the Scotts Bluff County Commissioners to be held on June 6, 2011. Moved by Meyer, seconded by Masterton to award the CHA cell removal (first floor) bid to Gem Construction, Gering, for $24,400.00 as recommended by Carol Prince, Director of Operations.

Detention Center - Multi-purpose Building - June 20, 2011

Detention Center Director Ron Johns opened multi-purpose building bids from Paul Reed Construction - $372,419.80 for a Pole Barn and $404,811.80 for a Steel Building and Rusch's Construction - $320,646.00 for a Pole Barn and $297,440.00 for an alternate Pole Barn. Detention Center Director Ron Johns will tabulate the bids for possible awarding at the regular business meeting of the Scotts Bluff County Commissioners to be held on July 5, 2011. Moved by Stratton, seconded by Blaha to reject the bids for the Detention Center multi-purpose building. YEA: Blaha, Stratton, Masterton, Meyer. NAY: None. Absent: Marker. July 18, 2011.

County Attorney - Guardian Ad Litem - July 18, 2011

County Attorney Doug Warner opened guardian ad litem proposals from Bill Peters - $5000.00 + benefits; Rhonda Flower - $60.00 hr; Lindsay Snyder - $75.00 hr; Maxine Morgan - $75.00 hr.; Jean Rhodes - $60.00 hr and Jason Ossian - $159,000.00 year. A committee consisting of Judge Worden, Warner, Commissioners Masterton & Meyer, Jerry Crable and CASA Director Kathy Welfl will review for possible consideration.

Management Accountant - Self-funded Health Insurance - July 20, 2011

Jerry Crable, Management Accountant, opened and presented seven copies for a self-funded health insurance and dental plan received from Regional Care, Inc., Scottsbluff, NE. No other proposals were received in a timely manner. Crable will review the RFP and make a recommendation to the Scotts Bluff County Board of Commissioners. No date for such recommendation was set by the County Board. Moved by Stratton, seconded by Marker to approve the recommendation of the Scotts Bluff County Health Insurance Advisory Committee and adopt a self funding medical insurance plan with RCI as administrator, effective November 1, 2011. YEA: Meyer, Blaha, Masterton, Marker, Stratton. NAY: None. October 17, 2011.

Roads Dept - Pick-up Trucks - October 12, 2011

Robert Bennett, Public Works Director, opened and presented pick-up truck bids for the Road & Bridge Department, Weed Control Department, and Building & Zoning Department. Reganis, Scottsbluff bid three (3) pick-ups at $20,557.00 each, total of $61,671.00; one (1) extended cab half-ton 4x4 pickup at $22,659.00; one (1) ¾ ton 4x4 pick-up at $23,857.00. Cash price with trade-ins of $106.687.00; without trade-ins of $108,187.00. Masid Chevrolet, Morrill, bid three (3) half-ton 4x4 pick-ups at $19,825.00 each; one (1) extended cab half-ton pick-up at $25,420.00; one (1) ¾ ton 4x4 pick-up at $22,204.00. Cash price with trade-ins of $102,999.00; without trade-ins of $107,999.00. Fremont Ford, Scottsbluff, bid three (3) half-ton 4x4 pick-ups at $21,955.88 each; one (1) extended cab 4x4 pick-up at $24,433.88; one (1) ¾ ton 4x4 pick-up at $24,221.30. Cash price with trade-ins of $110,522.00; without trade-ins of $114,522.00. Robert Bennett, Public Works Director, will tabulate the pick-up truck bids for possible awarding at the regular business meeting of the Scotts Bluff County Commissioners to be held on October 17, 2011. Moved by Meyer, seconded by Stratton to award the bid for (5) pickups to Masid Chevrolet for $102,099.00. YEA: Marker, Blaha, Meyer, Stratton, Masterton. NAY: None. October 17, 2011.

Detention Center - Multi-purpose Building - October 14, 2011

Patricia Miller, Assistant Detention Center Director, opened multi-purpose building bids from : VAP Construction, Inc., Atwood, KS - $87,900.00: Paul Reed Construction Company, Gering, NE Option 1 - $140,380.00 and Option 2 - $156,003.00. Patricia Miller, Assistant Detention Center Director, will tabulate the bids for possible awarding at the regular business meeting of the Scotts Bluff County Commissioners to be held on October 17, 2011. The Bid was awarded to VAP Construction, Atwood, Kansas, for $87,900.00 on October 17, 2011.

Updated: 2012.12.27 - 12:00 MDT