Scotts Bluff County - Freedom of Information Request

How to request public records in Scotts Bluff County.

Records requests are to be sent to the department which is in charge of the desired records. However, if you are not sure which department is in charge of the desired records, you may send the request to the County Clerk's office, which will then forward it to the approprate department. Once the approprate department has the request, they will contact you about it and inform you of the approx fee involved, you may then decide to proceed or not.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who may request public records?
Any citizen of the state, or any person interested in the inner workings of government may request public records in Nebraska.

Nebraska law only permits fees charged for the actual material cost of duplication including the medium and fees for the maintenance of equipment.

Purpose and use?
Nebraska law does not require a statement of purpose and does not place restrictions on the use of public records.

Updated: 2010.08.25 - 11:20 MDT